Who Are We?

Massachusetts Mission Statement
We the Living People, on Massachusetts State Assembly, as an unincorporated body of men and women, hereby together exercise our unalienable power as peaceful, private Massachusettsans. We commit to…
- re-construct our State and County Governments as Article IV section IV shall guarantee, and restore the four Pillar Assemblies, General, Business, Jural, and Militia.
- preserve the National Trust and uphold the Constitutions to enforce the Public Law to keep the peace.
- Serve with standing, as the Lawful check and balance between the jurisdictions.
- the education of American History to include full disclosure of the fraud perpetrated against the American People, and shall endeavor to re-populate the General Public, by way of Conveyance to the MassachusettsLand and Soil jurisdiction.
- embolden those Nationals and Citizens to reclaim all physical, intellectual, public and private assets, and fill vacated public offices, thereby restoringAmerican Common Law Courts of, by, and for the people!
The uncomfortable reality is that the ultimate dividing line between citizen and subject, between freedom and servitude, is not found at the voting booth or through the courts. They are secondary.
The dividing line is the willingness of citizens to take full responsibility for themselves rather than looking to someone else to provide all the answers.
To these ends we, the living people of Massachusetts, have called the eligible Massachusettsan Nationals to assemble and to serve as Jurors and Officers, and we have established the process and procedure to qualify jurors and others competent to hold State and County Offices.
We do this peacefully and without rancor in the exercise of our unincorporated powers and capacities.
Correct your political status, claim your American State National birthrights, and reconstruct our lawful government.
Talk with us
If you have any questions? We are always happy to talk with you about what it means to become the American you always thought you were.