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                 Natural Statuses

Living – lawful people, man, woman, son, daughter, boy, girl


Non-living – legal fictions, corporations, franchises, trusts, PERSONS, male, female, etc…


U.S. Citizens and “citizens of the United States” may have been born in this country and may consider themselves Americans, but they are occupying a different political status which obligates them to serve a foreign democracy (Territorial – Queen’s in charge) or a foreign oligarchy (MUNICIPALITY – Pope’s in charge), respectively.

Political Statuses

American National – is a Living Man or Woman with a declared status of living on the Soil, with national presence.


American Citizen – is a living Man or Woman with a declared status of living on the Land, with national and international presence.


citizen of the United States – is someone identified as a MUNICIPAL Corporate Legal Fiction (a misnomer).


US Citizen – is someone identified as a Territorial Legal Fiction (also a misnomer).


“Juris” = Law / “Diction” = Word


Land (International) & Soil (National) – Both Ruled by Man


Air (MUNICIPAL) – Owned and Ruled by the Pope


Water/Sea (Territorial) – Owned by the Pope, Ruled by the Crown/Queen

The soil is defined as the top six inches of the land. The soil jurisdiction is our national jurisdiction, while the land underlying it is our attached international land jurisdiction.


Each jurisdiction employs different words and specific language. It’s important to say what you mean and mean what you say.

Common sense would lead one to think that living people function under the public law of no trespassing, so stated in The Ten Commandments and The Declaration of Independence, on The Land jurisdiction under Common law, but that is not where the majority of people are identified. Most people operate as a misnomer, as a fictional character in their/these jurisdictions.

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